Thursday, May 10, 2012

Illness Overtakes Murphy Family!

Reports are coming in that the Murphy household has been stricken with lung ailments. News right now is scarce, but it seems that the two youngest children, Addison & Jackson, both have bronchitis. The oldest girl, Jillian, has been diagnosed with pneumonia. And now reports are coming in that the patriarch of the family is coming down with something horrid.
In a press statement earlier, Mrs. Murphy, the only one not afflicted as of yet, stated that all "should keep their distance," and that they were "going to have to disappear for awhile" to attempt to nurse themselves back to health.
Apologies were made for any persons who might have come into contact with them in the last several days and for those they were supposed to see over the weekend.
We should have another update on the situation on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh.. That's a terrible news report, dude. I do hope everyone gets well VERY soon.
