Monday, April 16, 2012

My WiFi Router Finally Died

Last night my ancient, by tech standards, Linksys WRT54gs v7 wireless router finally died. I had been running DD-WRT on that guy for about 5 years now and it has been fairly reliable, until last night.

I was watching Religious, the Bill Maher documentary on religion, go figure, when my Roku lost all connection. I had experienced some down time over the weekend and a general slowdown, but attributed it to the new placement of the Roku inside an enclosed entertainment system. (I know that doesn't matter but I was grasping at straws to be honest.)

Anyway, I checked on a wired PC and that came back fine, so I checked on my phone, no signal. Checked another wireless device with the same results. After checking the admin page on the router I realized it thought the wireless was on but there was no WAN traffic at all. Antennas were plugged in and there was no movement of the router to make me think it could be an interference issue. So I guess the wireless radio went out. It is rare but it does happen. 

So I had a slightly newer Netgear wireless router laying around, it was an early N device, so I set it up last night and got everything working. Not a big deal really but shit happens I suppose. I don't think I will be going back with another Linksys, something I never thoguht I would say five years ago, but there blatant refusal to fix a gaping security flaw in their WPS system makes them a liabitlity now. I am not too thrilled with the Netgear, but it is working fine for now. I probably will find a good D-Link eventually, but for now this seems to be getting the job done.

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