Saturday, April 14, 2012

This is My Only Webspace...

So over the years I have had an run a number of personal blogs and book review sites. I typically get them up to speed and get a few thousand followers and then just disappear. Life would typically take hold and I would get distracted and my post count would go through the floor and the people would disappear.

In my defense, I have a RL. I know I’m on the Interwebs and that shit isn’t possible, but I do. I have four kids, a wife, and a dog, and they take up my primary time. When I get a chance I get online and do some things but lately I have taken up gardening, probably because of the damn arthritis I have in my hands from excessive gaming and KB work. Either way, I have not been around much and I let about 4 domains go over the last year.

This is my last webspace, true I am still on Google+ but that doesn’t count. The rest are all gone. There is still a Twitter address that I might or moght not keep updating, I haven’t decided.

So basically when I get time, this site will have anything I feel like putting on it. Beware the spectrum could be fairly broad, from scfi/fantasy books to Warhammer 40k, and my CoC based podcast The Miskatonic University Podcast.

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