Thursday, April 26, 2012

WWII Vet and Wife Brutally Beaten in Home Invasion

On March 14th, Bob and Nancy Strait's Tulsa home was invaded by four to five assailants. They then beat the couple brutally leaving Bob with a broken jaw, cracked ribs, and a BB pellet lodged in his face. Then they beat and raped his wife Nancy. She would die the next day. Can you imagine? Who the fuck would even think about beating a frail elderly couple? And raping an 85 year old woman, human depravity really knows no bounds. All of this for a TV, $200 in cash, and a Dodge Neon. Wow.

These fuckers are sick and need to be apprehended. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has mentioned nothing about this, deferring instead to the Trayvon Martin killing.

Bob Strait was a World War II veteran that served with the 101st Airborne division. (I liked him at WWII vet, but to be an original member of the 101 makes him an original bad-ass.) He parachuted into France on D-Day, won the Bronze Star, declined a Purple Heart, and finished out the war. He returned home and met his soul-mate on a blind date in 1946. They would have been married 65 years by now, had Nancy not been taken away from him.

Bob Strait is a bona fide war hero that has been forgotten by the mainstream media. This is an important story to our veterans, and the more and more time that goes by with no news coverage of this horrible atrocity is another day that they seem to think that the civilian world doesn't care about them.This just flat out isn't true. The main stream media outlets might not care about our vets, but I think the rest of the nation does.

 This really needs to get out. Spread the word. This is a horrible story and needs to be told.

Donations to help the Strait family can be sent to:

Nancy Strait and Bob Strait Support Trust
c/o Arvest Bank, Tulsa Branch
502 S. Main Street
Tulsa, OK 74103

Please include on the check's memo line that is for the Straits' account.

Reddit Thread - What originally let me know about it
Snopes Post - Why this has even been questioned is kinda strange.
LiveLeak Post
Nicolas Stix, Uncensored
Tulsa NBC Affiliate
KRMG Radio


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